Help protect the interests of your growing business.
A surety bond is a binding contract between three parties: the principal (you or your business), the surety (State Farm), and the obligee (the customer/entity requiring the bond). 担保书向债权人保证被担保人按照担保的条款行事.
作为营业执照或合同要求的一部分,您可能有义务提供保证金. Being bonded may also help you attract new business. 潜在客户可能会因为知道他们将受到保护而感到安慰.
向客户提供服务的企业或专业人士通常需要提供保证金. 这些担保是为了确保企业或专业人员按照许可法律和其他法规开展工作.
我们提供的担保债券种类远远超过我们在这里列出的. So, we’ll only highlight the more common ones:
这些债券可能需要你的业务在一个特定的城市得到适当的许可, county, or state. 许可证和许可证保证金是为了确保你的企业所做的工作符合特定的州和市法律.
Types of license and permit bonds you may need:
Public officials, particularly ones responsible for handling public funds, 通常被要求提供保证书以保证他们在任职期间会忠实诚实地履行职责.
Positions requiring public official bonding can include:
If you are appointed an administrator, executor, guardian, conservator or trustee, 在履行你的职责之前,你可能会被要求获得遗嘱认证. 遗嘱认证保证指定受托人或受托人诚实核算和忠实履行职责.
Common types of probate bonds include:
履约债券在建筑和房地产开发中很常见. 业主或投资者通常要求开发商确保承包商或项目经理获得履约保证金,以保证他们将履行合同义务.
Common types of contract performance bonds include:
Common types of fidelity bonds include:
这只是对现有商业pp王者电子官网种类的pp王者电子官网范围的一般说明,并不是合同的说明. Details of coverage, limits, 或者服务可能不适用于所有业务,在某些州有所不同. All coverages are subject to the terms, provisions, exclusions, and conditions in the policy itself and in any endorsements. 联系州立农场代理获取更多信息和定制报价.
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人寿pp王者电子官网和年金由州立农场人寿pp王者电子官网公司发行. (Not Licensed in MA, NY, 州农场人寿和意外pp王者电子官网公司(在纽约和威斯康辛州有执照)总部, Bloomington, Illinois.